Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Finland: Unions are taking to the streets on Friday.

From LabourStart

Finland's new right-wing coalition government has announced plans to unilaterally cut pay and benefits negotiated through collective bargaining.

The proposed legislation violates basic trade union rights, conventions of the ILO and international and European human rights instruments.

The changes include substantial reductions in compensation for overtime, weekend and night work, sick pay, the elimination of two paid national holidays and a significant reduction in annual leave.

Unions estimate that the impact would be a 4-6% reduction in pay, with the impact falling hardest on the most vulnerable, including part-time and women workers.

The national trade union centers SAK, STTK and Akava have called for a mass demonstration on Friday, September 18 as the first stage in a fight to defeat these laws.

The IUF's Finnish affiliates, on behalf of the country's labour movement, have called for messages to be sent to the country's Prime Minister and Minister of labour in the run-up to the demonstration.  The IUF has therefore launched an online campaign.

Please take a moment to show your support:

Click here to send your message.

And please spread the word to your fellow union members.

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