Saturday, May 28, 2016

ACTU Welcomes Funding for Indigenous Ranger program

The ACTU welcomes the ALP's announcement today of extended funding for the Working on Country project which employs Indigenous Rangers.

The $200 million announced will double the size of a program that provides environmental biosecurity for Australia and sustainable employment in remote regions.

The Working on Country Indigenous Rangers demonstrates that employment in remote Australia need not be exploitative and that there are viable alternatives to the failed programs of the Abbott/Turnbull Government.

The Working on Country Program stands in stark contrast to the Community Development Program (CDP) that continues to force Indigenous workers in remote areas into work, for no wages, no superannuation and no cover from federal OHS & Workers ‘Compensation laws.

The Union movement, like all Australians, understands that dignity of employment comes from proper wages and conditions, and not from systems that exploit your labour and treat you as a second-class citizen.

The Working on Country program demonstrates that innovation and investment in remote Australia can provide national and local benefit.

The Turnbull/Abbott Government’s punitive labour programs targeted at Indigenous workers are an archaic policy model which has never produced positive results in the community.

Quotes attributable to ACTU President Ged Kearney

  • "This is an excellent program that has provided employment at a decent wage for Indigenous Rangers."
  • "It is fitting, at the start of National Reconciliation Week, that we are seeing a real commitment to innovation and investment in Indigenous communities."
  • "The Turnbull budget was deafening in its silence on providing any innovative and positive investment in Indigenous communities which is demonstrative of their ongoing attitude to Indigenous Affairs which saw 500 million ripped out of the budget in 2014/2015.”
  • "It is unfortunate that so many other Abbott/Turnbull Government programs targeted at Indigenous Australians offer exploitation and disempowerment rather than positive investment and innovation."

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