Friday, February 06, 2015

Nurses: Healthcare Emergency Report Card

The ANMF with the support of nurses and midwives around Australia achieved a lot in 2014, let’s reflect on what we all accomplished.

Healthcare Emergency Campaign - A

Over 8000 supporters took pledges against the Abbott Government’s unfair Budget. Each pledge was sent to key senators to let them know how you feel.

GP $7 Co Payment - A

Nurses' and midwives' voices were heard with other health professionals. It was withdrawn by the Abbott Government in December 2014.

Reduction in Medicare Rebate for visiting doctors under 10 mins - A+

Announced in December to replace the $7 co-payment. Members took immediate action to tell the Government how unfair this was. The Abbott Government withdrew in January.

Jobs for Graduate Nurses - A

First ever roundtable held with key stakeholders and graduate nurses. The input gathered is leading us to find solutions to work on this issue. Another Graduate Round Table is now scheduled for 2015.

Safe Staffing - A

Your actions in VIC and QLD have helped put in State Governments that respect nurses' and midwives' work by mandating safe staffing levels.

Social Media - A+

We now have over 8000 followers on Facebook: Thankyou! Your support and feedback inform us of your concerns. Keep on supporting us and get your voice heard; follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

We will continue to defend penalty rates and stand against any attacks on higher education, healthcare and nurse and midwives working lives. We will not accept any more lies, cuts and broken promises.

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