Monday, July 14, 2014

PSA: Stop the Privatisation of NSW

Help stop the privatisation of NSW
Jul 7, 2014

While the PSA strongly supports the principles behind the NDIS, the total privatisation of ADHC will dramatically undermine choice and the provision of quality services for clients.
The implementation of the NDIS will be far more effective if the Government retains a key role in delivering this vital human service.

To make matters worse, the Government so far has failed to make a commitment to protect the job security, conditions, entitlements and pay of the public servants who are to be transferred, like it or not, to a private employer.

This is unprecedented in the privatisation arena and is undoubtedly just the beginning of a mass sell off of public services in NSW.

That’s why we must act now and nip this in the bud.

Please sign the petition HERE and ask your friends, work colleagues and friends to sign also.

As it is a parliamentary petition, we need original signatures on the petition.

So collect as many signatures as you can and post the petition back to:

The Public Service Association of NSW GPO Box 3365 Sydney NSW 2001

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