Saturday, June 23, 2018

ABC Ultimo Building Cladding Now Uncomliant

Yesterday the ABC advised all staff that the building cladding used in the ABC’s Ultimo premises is no longer compliant with the current Building Code of Australia (BCA) Fire Safety Standards. As indicated by the ABC, the cladding used in ABC Ultimo was commonly used when the buildings were originally constructed in 1992 and 2002, however as technology and materials change, so too have the standards.

Things you should know immediately are:

The ABC has notified the relevant authority and has received expert advice that it is safe for ABC staff to continue working in the Ultimo building.

The CPSU is satisfied that, at present, the ABC is meeting its WHS obligations to manage risks and consult with staff.

The ABC has confirmed that it will be implementing a broad range of control measures including Fire Safety measures to mitigate risks, and building remediation work to eliminate risk.

The ABC briefed the CPSU, MEAA and ABC Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) around 2pm yesterday afternoon, and all staff shortly thereafter.

All documentation that has been provided to the CPSU by the ABC is available to members on request.
Our role in making sure the ABC is a safe place to work

HSRs are central to good health and safety systems, and union HSRs have access to additional resources in performing this important role. The CPSU will be convening a meeting for our Ultimo Health and Safety Representatives next week. Details will be sent out shortly.

All ABC staff and external parties who work in the premises have an obligation to follow all reasonable instructions issues by the ABC in relation to WHS. A key body of work the ABC is undertaking concerns the safe use of electrical equipment. The CPSU urges all members to please follow these instructions and report any concerns to your immediate supervisor or in the ABC’s online incident reporting.

For more information please call your local CPSU organiser or call 1300 137 636.

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