Sunday, March 15, 2015

Pyne's 1,700 science hostages

Key crossbench senator Nick Xenophon has accused the Education Minister of "holding 1,700 scientists hostage" by threatening science job cuts if his university deregulation bill fails.

Christopher Pyne said the Government was preparing to put the changes to a vote in the Upper House on Wednesday. 

Labor and the Greens remain staunchly opposed to the proposal and the Government is yet to secure crossbench support.

Mr Pyne has threatened to reduce scientific research funding if the legislation is defeated, arguing the Coalition would have to seek savings elsewhere if deregulation was not embraced.

"There are consequences for not voting for this reform and that's very important for the crossbenchers to understand," Mr Pyne told the ABC's Insiders program.

"The consequences are that potentially 1,700 researchers will lose their jobs."

Senator Xenophon said cuts of that size would turn Australia into a "dumb country" and send Australia's best scientists overseas.

"I just can't believe that Christopher Pyne is holding 1,700 scientists hostage to this policy," he said.

"This is not the way to negotiate with the Senate, it is reckless, it is irresponsible."

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