Wednesday, February 06, 2008

ACTU: Apology to Indigenous Australians

Saying sorry is long overdue.
It is an essential bridge to a better future for Indigenous Australians. This is a formal acknowledgement of the real pain and suffering experienced by the ‘stolen generations’, their families and their communities. It is a basis for both healing and progress.
Next Wednesday will be a significant day in the nation’s history and one of great emotion. We can be proud of the leadership of a Prime Minister humble enough to offer an apology for great wrongs and grateful to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders forgiving enough to accept.
An apology must be accompanied by renewed action to bridge the gap – on life expectancy, health, employment, education and living conditions - and mark the start of a more respectful relationship between Indigenous and non-indigenous Australians.
Sharan Burrow
ACTU President

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