Friday, February 01, 2019

ACOSS urges Govt to address hours of paid work, not just numbers of jobs

ACOSS urges Govt to address hours of paid work, not just numbers of jobs

The Australian Council of Social Service is urging the Morrison Government to get serious about helping people who are unemployed and need more paid work, as part of its jobs commitment today. The Government should tackle under-employment as well as unemployment, and ensure people who are unemployed have a decent income and a real chance of picking up any new jobs that are created.
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MYEFO: another fairness failure by the Morrison Government

ACOSS says the Morrison Government’s Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook fails to share Australia’s prosperity with those who are living in poverty and, despite welcome investment in aged care, fails to secure essential services into the future. “The Budget update is yet another fairness failure from the Morrison Government. Instead of strengthening revenue and plugging the most urgent gaps in the social safety net – like lifting Newstart – it locks in slated social security cuts and legislated tax cuts for the top 20% of earners,” said Dr Cassandra Goldie, ACOSS CEO. Read more
ACOSS urges Labor to improve disgracefully inadequate Newstart motion at ALP Conference – people cannot keep waiting in poverty for a review

A motion from the ALP Conference yesterday failed to commit to an increase, instead promising only a review, but debate continues today with a vote expected this afternoon. ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie said: “We cannot continue to keep people waiting in poverty any longer for a review and the evidence is already in.”

Labor’s housing package is a historic commitment towards reducing inequality

ACOSS welcomes Labor’s commitment on affordable housing today and offers to work with Labor, if elected, to ensure that the package delivers for those struggling the most financially. “The cost of housing is crippling low-income people with many being forced into homelessness,” ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie said.

ACOSS calls for fundamental reform of employment services on release of expert review of jobactive

14 December 2018: The Future Employment Services report, released today, recommends major reforms to the jobactive system, which currently burdens people with unnecessary, ineffective compliance and ignores realities of the job market.

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Both the major parties have the opportunity to commit to a long-overdue, widely supported piece of reform

by Cassandra Goldie, The Age, Friday December 14, 2018. With the government releasing its mid-year budget on Monday, during the Labor Party’s national conference, both of the major parties have ideal opportunities to kick off the week by committing to a long-overdue, widely supported piece of reform. Newstart, the payment for people looking for paid work, has not been increased in real terms in a quarter of a century. In that time, the cost of living has gone up dramatically. Just think of the cost of housing 20 years ago. Over that time, Australia’s prosperity has grown to the point where we now have the highest median wealth in the world.

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Philanthropic boost to raise the rate

The Australian Council of Social Service is delighted to announce that it has obtained significant philanthropic funding to dramatically boost the ongoing “Raise the Rate” campaign aimed at increasing the rate of Newstart, Youth Allowance and other related payments.

Australian First: Cross Party Support for Raising Newstart 

Both of the major parties in South Australia have agreed that Newstart is “far too low” and have called on the Federal Government to make an urgent increase, in the interim report of a Parliamentary Inquiry into poverty, released today.

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Community sector condemns social security cuts for migrants

The Australian Council of Social Service has today condemned the Parliament’s decision to cut $1.2 billion from social security for recent migrants. “This decision will hurt people and their children trying to build a life in Australia. Our social security system should be built on equality,” said Dr Cassandra Goldie, ACOSS CEO.

ACOSS calls on the Senate to reject social security cuts for migrants

ACOSS, along with the community sector, has called on the Senate to do the right thing and vote against the bill to make migrants wait up to four years to access social security.   There is no justification for cutting off support for people, including children, who are in financial need. Read more

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