Sunday, June 26, 2016

GetUp ! 65000 support health campaign

As the Federal election reaches fever pitch, hardly a day goes by without hearing a mention of health, which is currently ranking as one of the most important issues for voters in key battlegrounds. 

And it's no wonder. Since the Turnbull Government handed down their Budget almost two months ago, locking in $54 billion worth of cuts to our hospitals – nearly 100 GetUp members championed community-led campaigns for their local hospital, and more than 65,000 people got behind them. 

The dedication and commitment of GetUp members, willing to fight for their community, is truly extraordinary. Check out some of the local hospital campaigns in action. 

Petition for Prince Charles Hospital
Pattie and supporters deliver their petition to their local member Peter Dutton in Dickson. 

Bronte and Michael delivering their petition to Russell Matheson
Bronte and supporters deliver their petition to the Member for Macarthur (Photo credit: Ben Chenoweth, Campbelltown Macarthur Advertiser) 

Nambour Hospital petition leader
Caption reads: Health funding campaigner Cynthia Francis and supporters present their petition calling for restoration of funding to Nambour General Hospital. (Photo credit: Patrick Woods, Sunshine Coast Daily) 

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