Friday, April 17, 2015

Unions NSW Asbestos Petition

Would you believe us if we told you that April 16 has been declared National Chrysotile Asbestos Protection Day? Crazy right?

Well in Russia it is true. Russia is at the heart of the international asbestos lobbying industry exporting the deadly fibres and asbestos products to poorer countries around the world.

Sign the petition to ban the trade in all asbestos.

Russia lobbies countries in southeast Asia and eastern Europe to oppose international efforts to require labelling on asbestos products and restrictions on the trade of asbestos.

Every five minutes someone in the world dies of asbestos related disease resulting in over 100,000 deaths annually including 1,000 in Australia.

With global free trade talks continuing in Australia it looks like we will be signing up to a free trade deal with countries that openly trade in asbestos. That’s why today we are asking you to sign our petition to make Australia’s involvement in free trade deals asbestos-free. We are calling for all countries to ban the trading of asbestos at the Rotterdam Convention.

Sign our petition now to add your voice to the call to end asbestos trade.

By banning asbestos worldwide, we will be able to save countless lives.

In Union,
The Unions NSW Team

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