Wednesday, December 11, 2013

United Voice: Honour Childcare Agreements

Honour all funding commitments made by the federal government to deliver wage increases to early childhood educators.

Child care educators do an important job educating and caring for our youngest Australians. It’s a job that requires expertise and talent. Yet, we're paid very poorly. So poorly, in fact, that many of us have left the job we love just to make enough money to provide for our family.

Early this year the Federal Government offered funding to child care centres so that they could increase wages without increasing fees for parents. We all hoped this two year pilot program would stop talented educators from leaving the sector and set a benchmark for increased wages in the long term.

Before the election Tony Abbott said they would honour all funds that had been committed.  Since the election he back-flipped. First, they held an inquiry. They've had the Inquiry report for five weeks now. Second, in Parliament he said signed contracts would be honoured.

Now they have announced only a very small proportion of the funding will be delivered and they even demanded we give that back.

For Tony Abbott to keep his promise that committed funds will be honoured he has to deliver all of the committed funds. Christmas is just weeks away. Thousands of us educators deserve to get the pay rise we were promised.

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