Friday, June 13, 2008

Fairest pay deal! Harper pockets 53%

A decision by the Remuneration Tribunal to give public office holders a 4.3% pay rise from 1 July 2008 sets the benchmark for what low paid working Australians should at least expect from the forthcoming Fair Pay Commission minimum wage case decision says the ACTU.

The latest decision of the Remuneration Tribunal will add more than $5,000 a year to the pay packet of Professor Ian Harper, the part-time head of the Fair Pay Commission, lifting it to $124,990 a year.

The Tribunal sets the pay for federal politicians and holders of public offices including the Fair Pay Commission, the body set up under the former Howard Government's WorkChoices IR laws to lower minimum wages.

Over the past two years the head of the Fair Pay Commission has enjoyed a pay rise of 53% while ACTU research shows that the pay of more than a million workers on awards has gone backwards under WorkChoices by up to $2,000 a year in real terms.


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