Friday, January 11, 2008

Wages: unions doing their job

'There is no national union push for a wages 'breakout' in the building industry, nor are there plans for mass strikes,' said Dave Noonan, National Secretary CFMEU.

'These ridiculous claims in the Fairfax press of impending widespread industrial action have been generated by a few mischievous employer groups indulging in union bashing.

'The Australian people made it very clear at the last election that they want rights at work and see unions as having an important role in their workplaces.

'The bulk of building industry agreements in NSW and Victoria due to expire this year already have wage increases guaranteed for 2008.

'So the suggestion that widespread industrial action will arise to secure wage increases is a fallacy.

'Where agreements are due to expire, the CFMEU will consult with its members and then sit down with employers to negotiate the best possible outcome.

'The Master Builders Association is once again peddling untrue statistics and unsupported claims as part of its smoke and mirrors campaign against unions and workers' rights.

'The MBA should accept that the Australian people voted at the last election for rights at work and this union bashing has got to stop.

'The CFMEU calls on employers to instead work with the union to increase apprenticeships and training, deal with skill shortages where they occur and provide decent jobs and career paths for construction workers,' said Mr Noonan.

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