Friday, September 07, 2007

Postal workers get say on EBA

On Monday, 3 September, The Australian Industrial Relations Commission approved the CEPU's application for a Protected Industrial Action ballot.

The Union has gone to great lengths to genuinely negotiate with Post management. In the end, this ballot for industrial action is the last step our members can take to get heard. By taking action, we want to secure an improved offer that: Sees a lift in the first year wage outcome - reflecting the fact that Post has dragged out the talks while our members have had to deal with rising costs of living and interest rate increases

  • Saving penalty rates and protecting members' take home pay by providing an enforceable solution to Post's manipulation of member start times to avoid paying penalty rates
  • Arbitration-protection for all of EBA7, not just the parts that management allows arbitration on
  • Stopping Post's selective interpretation of WorkChoices that remove job security clauses on franchising and contracting out.
  • The secret ballot of all Australia Post EBA CEPU members nationwide will be the first major test of the Howard Government's IR Laws' ability to allow concerned workers to take protected industrial action in favor of a new collective Enterprise Bargaining Agreement.

    The ballot will be conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission.

    The ballot will open on the 14th September 2007 and close on the 26th September 2007.


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