Wednesday, August 15, 2007

New Film: Constructing Fear

The film you must see before the next election!

A documentary exposing the activity of an industrial inquisition targeting building workers across Australia. “Constructing Fear” shows how these workers are the front line in an attack on civil liberties that has implications for every Australian.

Since 2005, the Australian Building Construction Commission (ABCC) has targeted hundreds of workers. The ABCC conducts closed tribunals and seeks individual fines of up to $28,600. Those summonsed cannot refuse to attend a hearing; they cannot refuse to answer questions and they cannot tell anyone, including their families, what happened in the hearing. Penalty? Six months in prison!

The ABCC’s operations have been described as "…foreign to the workplace relations of civilised societies, as distinct from undemocratic and authoritarian states." (Federal Court Justice Marshall, 2004)


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