Friday, April 27, 2007

Howard's law blamed for death

A Hobart woman has blamed Prime Minister John Howard's federal Workchoices legislation for her brother's suicide.

Julia Pycroft has told a Tasmanian Parliamentary inquiry into the new laws that her brother Michael Webb killed himself five days after being made redundant from Zinifex.
"Our family has been devastated by this law," she said.
"Does the Government give a rats?
"No they don't."

In a letter to Mr Howard that was read to the inquiry, Ms Pycroft said Zinifex had used Workchoices to force the redundancy on her brother last May.
"Mick was happy at work, he had been there for 20 years," the letter said.
"When Mick lost his job that was his life.
"They stripped him of everything. He became depressed.
"Michael felt no one cared.
"Prime Minister, although I blame Zinifex for Mick's death, I blame you equally for giving them the industrial laws they embraced."

A coronial inquest found that Zinifex was not culpable for Mr Webb's death but the redundancy had prompted the suicide. It found Mr Webb, 45, had been a very conscientious and loyal employee, who enjoyed his work and company of his co-workers.


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