Thursday, September 07, 2006

Reply to Jackie Kelly

In Penrith Press, Jackie Kelly wrote "I know our workchoices legislation has offered some relief from union bullying but I think it didn't go far enough".

Undoubtedly the Howard verson of the nanny state where the Federal Government micro manages the relations between workers and their employers is more to her liking.

Where belonging to a union and taking action to defend working and safety conditions recedes into dim a memory of a bygone golden era.

Where the employer is relieved by law from any responsiblily other than making more dough

Where the immigration department evolves into a modern version of the "Blackbirding" systems of imported indentured labour so loved by the government's precursors in the 19th Century

Where the penal clauses against wage earners daring to stop work can result in fines that foreclose their right to own a house.

Jackie, the reason the government calls it WorkChoices is because it it offers no choice and it can't work! George Orwell called it newspeak, and everyone knows who the real bullies are.

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