Saturday, October 29, 2005

Emperor Howard

"I want to assure the Australian people that the Government will use its majority in the new Senate very carefully, very wisely and not provocatively."

This was John Howard, one year ago yesterday, responding to the unexpected news that an extraordinary result in Queensland had handed him control of the Senate and, with it, the opportunity to implement his program in full. To make his message crystal clear, the Prime Minister added another caveat: "We intend to do the things we've promised the Australian people we would do, but we don't intend to allow this unexpected but welcome majority in the Senate to go to our heads."

Yet, in the coming week, the Howard Government intends to introduce two of the most substantial pieces of legislation in its near decade in power — and rush them through Parliament at almost breakneck speed.

Neither was canvassed during last year's election campaign, for understandable reasons, but both raise questions about whether the Government's Senate majority is being used carefully, wisely and in an unprovocative manner.

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