Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Non Unionist's Psalm

The dues-paying members are my shepherd; I shall not pay.
They provideth me with sick days and holidays
So that I may lie down in green pastures.
Beside the still waters
They reclaimeth my back pay
They guardeth my welfare,
without cost to me
I stray in the path of the
non-righteous for my money's sake
Yeah though I alibi and pay no dues
For generation to generation,
I fear no evil, for they protect.
The working conditions which they provide
Do comfort me.
They anointeth my head with oil of Worker's Comp,
Sick pay, Annual leave, Long Service Leave
Flextime and the thirty six and three quarter hour week.
And my cup runneth over with gratitude.
Surely their goodness and loving kindness
Shall follow me all the days of my life,
Without cost to me
I shall dwell in their house forever
And allow them to pay the bills.

Union official Len Cooper was clearing out his office and came across this previously unpublished psalm

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