Saturday, February 19, 2005

Kisch in Australia: State Library of NSW

This exhibition highlights the story of a Czechoslovakian author named Egon Erwin Kisch (1885-1948) who was invited to Australia in 1934 to address the Australian Congress of the International Movement Against War and Fascism.

Prime Minister Joseph Lyons' government, which was dealing with the effects of the 1930s depression by cracking down on free speech, tried to ban Kisch from landing.

The attempt to ban Kisch from speaking in Australia had the unintended effect of galvanising public opinion against the government. Kisch's story remains resonant today.

State Library of New South Wales
14 February to 24 April 2005

Picture Gallery, Mitchell Wing

9 am to 5 pm weekdays
11 am to 5 pm weekends

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