Tuesday 29th August 2006 6:30 pm EST
The ABCC's prosecution of 107 workers for alleged unlawful strike action will return to the Federal Court for further directions on October 18, after Justice Robert Nicholson held a preliminary hearing in Perth today.
Defendants and their supporters overflowed from the court room and into the waiting area this morning as the hearing of Hadgkiss v Aldin & Ors began at 10am Perth time.
The defendants are required to lodge their defences by Wednesday, November 1.
Only 75 of the 107 workers who allegedly took unlawful industrial action have been served with writs so far, according to the ABCC. The union, however, says 74 have been served. Some 73 are represented by solicitor Jeremy Noble, while barrister Kevin Bonomelli appeared for them in court today. One individual is self-represented.
Unions this morning marched and rallied in Perth before the hearing, with ACTU president Sharan Burrow and other senior union officials and state and federal ALP figures addressing hundreds of people at the Perth Concert Hall.
In Melbourne, hundreds rallied outside the Federal Court at lunchtime, where they were addressed by ACTU secretary Greg Combet, VTHC secretary Brian Boyd, CFMEU Victorian branch secretary Martin Kingham and AMWU Victorian branch secretary Dave Oliver. Combet reiterated that the 107 had the full support of unions.
In Sydney, some 500 people rallied at Trades Hall where they heard speeches by Unions NSW secretary John Robertson and CFMEU construction division national secretary John Sutton, before binding 107 of their number together with chains before marching on the ABCC's premises at 133-145 Castlereagh St.
Other rallies were held in Adelaide, Canberra and Wollongong.